See wentin Kcee's Miss Fine Face Promo don cause, I guess y'all know about Kcee's miss fine face promo? Where girls with pretty face send in their photos with the hash tag #fineface# and the photo with the most like gets to win $5000 dollar, a dinner and a Samsung phone?
Good! Almost all the Lagos babes sent in their photos with Kachi(former vixen) winning the first batch promo, a Samsung phone. Ok! Let's get to the main gist, it seems some babes are buying fake 'like' just to win, hehehe, a babe on Instagram has taken it upon herself to expose these babes buying fake likes and even all the Runz babes that send in their pictures, that's they are legendary runs babes and they are not suppose to partake in such promo (whatever happens to live and let's live?!), well, Kcee has disqualified one of them, continue to read to what the babe wrote on IG

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