A size 10 party girl discharged from hospital when doctors were unable to find the cause of her back pain was stunned when she gave birth just hours later.
Sophie Aldridge, 20, had no idea she was pregnant when she woke in the middle of the night with severe back ache which she put down to period pains.

But when her condition deteriorated the next day, her mother took her to hospital. There, she was given an anti-sickness injection and sleeping pills before being sent home.
Shortly after arriving back home the pain became unbearable and she was rushed back to hospital by ambulance.

Paramedics then dropped the bombshell that she was actually in labour - and less than half an hour after arriving at A&E, she gave birth to baby Thomas.
Miss Aldridge, from Dover, Kent, had no idea she was expecting. She had remained in her size 10 clothes and carried on partying with her friends.
Miss Thomas, who works as a carer and currently lives with her parents, said: 'My period was due that day so I assumed that was why I was having such bad pains.
'I know it might sound really stupid to some people, but I literally had no idea I was pregnant - I didn't have any symptoms.
'I didn't get morning sickness, I stayed wearing my size ten clothes, I had regular periods throughout the pregnancy and I didn't have any cravings.
'I was still wearing crop-tops and mini skirts, I didn't have a bump or anything.
'Because I had no idea I was pregnant, I was still going out and getting drunk with my friends.
'So to give birth there and then, like I did, was absolutely terrifying. It was a big shock to everyone when I suddenly arrived home with a baby.'
Miss Aldridge had no idea anything was wrong until November last year when she woke up in the early hours of the morning with crippling back pains .
After calling 111, her mother took her to William Harvey Hospital in Ashford where she was dismissed with painkillers.
But the pain became too much just hours after returning home and she was taken by ambulance back to the hospital.
While in transit, Sophie told a paramedic she thought she had wet herself and they quickly realised her waters had broken.
She said: 'Everything was just so quick I didn't really have time to gauge what was happening. I was only in labour for 30 minutes.
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