Chris Brown would be wise to heed this warning from one of his new neighbors in Agoura, Calif., because if he trespasses on the guy's property it's all over.
As in the neighbor says he won't hesitate to shoot the singer on sight.
Brown, who had a ton of issues with his neighbors in West Hollywood and the Hollywood Hills, is renting an 8,000-square foot, six-bedroom house in Agoura.
Plenty of room for partying with Kylie and Kendall Jennerand friends.
The neighbors' chief concern is Brown trespassing.
"It can be the devil," one says. "I can care less."
"I don't care if they're having orgies," he goes on. "It can even be Saddam Hussein for all I care, as long as he doesn't trespass onto my property."
"If he does, I shoot him."
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