Nollywood doesn't seem like a well-organized body, as large as the industry, it's sad to see how things are happening.
The industry is full of cliques, nothing saddens my heart than see how some of our veterans passed on due to lack of funds.
Recently, we have lost some veterans due to terminal diseases due to no help, and Nollywood wasn't able to give adequate financial assistant.
Yet we see these celebrities flaunt expensive items than can be used to save lives.
What shall it profit you to flaunt designers rather than save the lives of someone or people that would forever be grateful to you?
Elder Maya has recently passed on, till his death the funds needed for his treatment was not complete, isn't that a shame to an industry like Nollywood?
An industry that lacks love, co-operation or unity, this is a wake-up call to all actors and other movie practitioners, save a life when you can, because your luxury items will not follow you to heaven.

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