The machineis designed to be a medical implantand includes an implant a little smaller than a packet of cigarettes, requiring an operation. It uses electrodes to trigger an orgasm.

It works via a remote controlcould be used by an individualto send a signalto the implant, which would stimulate nerves with electricalpulses to trigger an orgasm. Contactswould have to be surgically inserted into certain nerves in the spinal cord. A signal generator would also have to be fitted under a patient's skin - possibly in their buttocks.
Its creator hopes it could be used to treat women with orgasmic dysfunction. A patient would remain conscious during an operation to fit the implant, where a surgeon will pinpoint the correct nerves to which to fit the electrodes in a patient's spinal cord.
They would connect to a signal generator - just smaller than a packet of cigarettes - that could be implanted under the skin of a patient's buttocks.
The idea is that the implant could be triggered by a hand-held remote control, delivering orgasms at the push of a button– and it could even be programmed to deliver a number of orgasms per week or per day

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