Meet Ghollywood Star Nadia Buari’s sister. There is a story behind their skin contrast. Aysha Buari’s dad is Alhaji Sidiku Buari, who adopted Nadia when he married her mum. That explains the look. However Aysha who relocated back to Ghana from the USA to pursue acting showed off her new glowing skin her new look at a movie première this month. Unbelievable.
Nadia Buari’s Beautiful Sister, Is She Now Bleaching??? (See Photo)
Meet Ghollywood Star Nadia Buari’s sister. There is a story behind their skin contrast. Aysha Buari’s dad is Alhaji Sidiku Buari, who adopted Nadia when he married her mum. That explains the look. However Aysha who relocated back to Ghana from the USA to pursue acting showed off her new glowing skin her new look at a movie première this month. Unbelievable.
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