Nigerian actress, Cossy Orjiakor, in a recent interview opens up on her career and current project while revealing that she could act in a pòrn flick if given the opportunity.
On what she's bee up to
Yeah (giggles) I've been having fun really doing my own thing. But I'm working on a reality TV show designed to give back to society. I have this large heart for giving back, so I want to have a reality TV show where the winners would be encouraged to bring forth proposals which I would sponsor with the little I have. But if I could get sponsors it would be great!
On her saddest moment
You should know now (laughter). Imagine all the false stories that they've published about me; 'Cossy Orjiakor has HIV', 'Cossy had sex with a dog', 'Cossy did this and Cossy did that'. You know, that's not cool. But I'm a fun person and I dress for the occasion. Like if I'm going for a costume party I'd wear a sexy costume and that's a party that happens basically in the night. But the thing is that in the morning, when normal people see the pictures of the clothes in the papers, they judge me unfairly.
On what the tattoo on her left boob it signifies and the pain in getting it done
It's a rose flower. I got it a long time ago. I just wanted to know what it feels like to have a tattoo; I actually have four. Yes, it was painful but I just wanted to know how it felt like having a tattoo (laughs).
On the craziest thing a fan has done to you after seeing your bo'obs dangling so dangerously
(Laughter) Yeah… I've had a lot of experiences especially from females. I could allow a female touch my bo'obs if I am in the mood. You know, they are like, 'is it real?' Men don't really do much these days; it was a long time ago.
On Afrocandy's offers to feature her in one of her pòrn movies
I've not met her but I think she's a cool babe. I like her guts and Maheeda's guts as well; they're doing their own thing. If one way does not work, the other should; they're paying their dues.
About the pòrn movie role
I can act in a pòrn movie but I can never go nùdé myself. If I have to act with somebody and they use a body double to do the acting, that's fine. But as for me, I can never go nùdé. If you insist that I must act nùdé then you have to use a body double. They've done it before. That was when I was dancing for Obesere.
They superimposed a dog on me and said I was having sex with the dog. And before I knew it everybody was calling me a pòrn actor! That picture was photo shopped. I can remember a guy called me up and said he had a picture of me having sex with a dog and I told him to go to hell; he wanted to blackmail me, and then he published the story and my family was embarrassed.
On getting married
When I see the right man I will get married.
On how hot she is between the sheets
I don't know (blushes). I'm very good though; I believe I'm very good. Do you want to find out? (Giggles).
On the most adventurous thing she has done sexually
I'm extremely adventurous believe me… when you're adventurous you go with the flow and take over whatever happens; you don't have a mind set of what you want to do; you just flow.
On why she's not really acting these days
The offers that I get are not paying enough, so I'd rather do other things that get me money.
What other things she does I work for myself. I get paid to go out and I have tenants that pay me rent; I'm a landlady

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