A 30-year-old man has died after multiple sex with a female prostitute in a hotel at Flamin­go near Mamprobi in Accra.
The deceased, identified as Ben Komla Akosou, a computer hardware apprentice, checked into the hotel (name withheld) the night before his lifeless body was discovered.
There were speculations that he might have had a raunchy five rounds of sex with an unidentified sex-worker.
Five pieces of toilet roll believed to have been used in cleaning the sperm off his manhood and a mobile phone were discovered by the side of the bed on which his lifeless body lay.

The female prostitute, who is yet to be arrested, absconded upon discovering what had befallen her client. She was later however contact­ed by the Police through the mobile phone of the deceased.
A source said Ben checked in around 1:30am on March 5, 2014 with a prostitute, for a 'short time'.
At about 6:15am that same day, authorities of the hotel went to check the room to possibly clean it. It was then that the body was discovered, with his female counterpart nowhere to be found.
The Mamprobi Police were called to the scene and they turned up in the company of crime scene person­nel from the Police Headquarters to investigate the case.
Dr. Mohammed Mahey, a retired Senior Medical Officer who once headed the Nima and Dansoman Government Clinics, and currently working with the Iran Clinic in Accra, theorized that such deaths during sexual acts could largely be due to inherent cardiac problems.
"Most of them are due to cardiac arrest. The person may be having underlying cardiac problems. During the act, the pressure goes high and if you have an underlying problem, you can imagine what will happen. The moment one reaches orgasm, the pressure is extremely high," he explained.
"You know cardiac problems, unless it is diagnosed, most of them are symptomless, that is why it is compulsory to check your blood pressure because that's where the sign starts. If the pressure is high, it is a sign. That's mandatory; that's why any hospital (private or government) when you go, once you are above 18 years, the first thing they check is the pressure."
Dr. Mahey advised men to always check their blood pressure to secure their safety during sex.
Inversely, he noted that women are less at risk because of their high tolerance for pain. ",..Women have higher threshold than men. They can tolerate pain more than men."
Meanwhile, the used toilet rolls, folded in large folds, believed to have been used to wipe off the sperms, were found at the side of the deceased, who was wearing his under pants at the time his body was discovered.
The body had since been identi­fied by family members after a report was lodged at the Mamprobi Police Station.
Superintendent Peter A.K. Ayirezang, the Mamprobi District Commander, confirmed the incident, which he said was under investiga­tion.
The body had been deposited at the Police hospital morgue pending autopsy.
Source: Daily Guide Ghana ,233Prime
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