It was a black Sunday in northern town of Fundacion, Colombia as thirty two children have died afterbus drivingthemhome froma church event burst into flames on Sunday.
Presumably the fire occurred through the faultof thebus driver who has already been detained and interrogated. It was learnt that the accident happened when the overcrowded bus was bringing children home from Sunday schools classes.

At the time of the accident the driver was in his cabin pouring petrol into the engine through the floor. And as there was one more canister of gasoline inside the bus the fire spread very fast sweeping away everything in its path.

While thedeath tollkeep rising dozens of injured children are treated in thelocal hospitals. The identity of the dead сhildren is yet to be established with the help of their parents and available dental records.

The local witnesses described the accident that took place in their village as a living hell. The Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos visited Fundacion to pay his respectsto thevictims' parents, ordered a thorough investigation and declared a national day of mourning. gathered from a liable site that Colombian authorities said Monday night that aggravated manslaughter charges would be filed against a bus driver over the deaths of 32 children from a fire in the overcrowded vehicle bringing themhome fromSunday school.
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